Home>Change to Masters Training Schedule Date Last Updated : February 5th 2007

Change to Masters Wednesday Training

Dear Masters swimmer

As the club is progressing, the younger swimmers need a little bit more water space in order to meet the requirements spelt out in the Long Term Athlete Development Plan, set by British Swimming.

Therefore, on Wednesday evenings, I am extending the JO1 training session through to 7.45pm, which obviously has an impact on the Masters session.  You will still have your normal 1 hour session, but from 7th February, your session will be 7.45 – 8.45pm.

I hope this will not inconvenience you too much, and also hope that you will appreciate that this will have a really positive impact on the youngsters coming through.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely


Russ Barber
Head Coach