City of Sheffield Swim Squad

Results and Archive

This site is now the home of our Gala Results and article archives.

We launched a new website in early 2022.  Take a look here.

1. First, please print off the entry form which will be available on the COSSS website.

2. Enter the times for the events you want to enter in the appropriate box on the entry form. In most cases, the times must be those achieved in  competition and listed on the British Swimming rankings in the last 12 months ( For a small number of meets, a coach may be able to enter a time for a swimmer if they have not swum the event before.

3. Once times have been entered on the form, it must be taken to your coach for approval and signature.

4. The parent or swimmer must also sign the form to confirm that the times entered have been achieved in competition.

5. The completed and signed form should be given to your squad rep with payment by cheque (payable to COSSS Ltd), cash or BACS transfer.

6. Any incomplete forms or those without full payment will not be accepted.

7. Late entries will not be accepted

8. Please do not send entries or contact the organisers of the meet directly

8. Finally, it is swimmers' and parents' responsibility to check the draft programme when it is published on the organising club's website. Any errors should be reported as soon as possible because it is very difficult for the organisers to make changes.


Many thanks!